Law Enforcement Airborne Leasing

Airborne Law Enforcement Helicopter Ready for Patrol and Lease


Turn-Key MD500E Law Enforcement Helicopter For Lease


N66SD Includes highly skilled maintenance, repair and overhaul services with the utmost focus and attention to detail and safety for the needs & training for your department.

  • Law Enforcement Mission Equipment Installed, including Camera System, Search Light, Overlay Mapping System, and Technisonic TDFM 9300 Tactical Radio, TDAP 650 dual Digital Audio Panels with rear seat transmit.
  • 100/Annual/300/600 Hr Inspections completed.
  • All Maintenance, & Inspection Services Provided.
  • Less Than 15 Min 1=Maintenance Response Time & 24-7 Maintenance Communication.
  • Service life has been in the Law Enforcement environment with highest quality.
    Factory New Parts were installed on all maintenance actions.
  • Maintenance Technicians & Flight Crews Factory Trained with specialized tooling, as directed with MD Helicopters & Rolls Royce Technical Publications.
  • Provisions for any Law Enforcement Equipment needed are available for Installation with this aircraft.
  • RR250C20R 450 SHP Engine with FDC Aerofilter installed.
    Garmin GNS750 Transceiver, GTX345 Transponder, GTR225 Comm Radio. ADSB IN and OUT.
  • Trakka TC300 Multi Sensor Camera, TLX800 SearchLight. Right Dual Side or left side, or nose mount included.
  • 12’X !2’ Helicopter Platform with Super Duty Castors/Tow bar with fresh Overhauled Harlan Tug 3500 LB capacity with propane power included.

Contact David Marquez at for complete helicopter configuration list & any additional questions. (714) 722-7846